What hormones should you monitor if you desire a healthy weight

health & wellness Nov 22, 2021
Blood test vials to test hormones

If you are struggling with your weight at any age but especially a woman in perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause, do you know your current hormones levels? What about your inflammation markers?

Hunger, cravings, stress, and energy are all sensations that are managed by our hormones. Doesn’t it make sense to know our values to work on balancing them? I believe that balancing our hormones should be the first step in everyone's weight loss regimen.  You can count calories, exercise until you are blue in the face but if your hormones are unbalanced you are fighting a losing battle. In this age of technology, there are all kinds of resources to track your calorie intake and output, help with an exercise routine, and nutrition guides to follow. Wouldn’t you want to know your values so you and your doctor can achieve hormonal balance as part of not only your weight loss equation but your wellness goals in general?  Armed with the results, you will be able to be an active and knowledgeable participant in achieving your own wellness goals with your physician. You will be on your way to optimizing those hormones that affect your ability to lose weight and enjoy a general sense of well-being.

What Hormones should be tested and why?  

Sex Hormones - An imbalance can impact your ability to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

  • DHEA-S
  • Free and Total Testosterone
  • Estradiol (E2)
  • Progesterone

Thyroid Hormones - A complex relationship exists between your thyroid, metabolism, and weight.

  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  • Free T3
  • Free T4
  • Reverse T3

Stress Hormones - High levels of stress can trigger your body to store additional belly fat.

  • Cortisol

Insulin Resistance Markers - When insulin levels are chronically high and body becomes resistant to insulin, fat storage can be further increased.

  • Insulin
  • Ferritin
  • Hemoglobin A1C

Inflammation and General Health Markers - Inflammation, anemia, and vitamin D status are all important weight loss markers.

  • Complete Metabolic Panel
  • Lipid Panel
  • CBC (Complete Blood Count)
  • Vitamin D 25-hydroxy
  • C-Reactive Protein (high sensitivity) 

If you are ready to explore how to make a Radical Wellness Transformation, I Can Help...

I invite you to book a free 45 minute 1-on-1 Radical Wellness Transformation Breakthrough Session with me. We will go over what you would like to accomplish, and we'll see if you are a good fit for my coaching program. To book your free session, click this link now:  

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